


an expression used in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America to point to the homosexual woman. Arepas and cachapas are some pancakes made with corn very present in the Colombian and Venezuelan cuisine, so initially, the areperas and cachaperas were the women who elaborated or sold them or establishments where they are sold.

We found in the “Dictionary of indigenous words often used in Venezuela”, published in 1881 by Aristides Rojas, in addition to the reference to the job of Arepera, the meaning of derogatory word concerning women with no manners, scandalous, etc. Later, in 1946, we found in the “Journal of Legal Medicine of Colombia”, a reference to lesbian sex or “the arepas vice”, in which the behavior of a woman was analyzed, who “simulates intercourse with another woman caused by lack of men or even if there were”.

So between 1881 and 1946 it is when the relationship between Arepera and lesbian sex appears, probably after the arrival of the slang Tortillera from Spain to Latin America in the early 20th century, as we comment in the entry Bollera on this dictionary.

See: Bollera.

Variations: Arepa.

Related: Cachapera (Venezuela, Puerto Rico), Pastelera and Panadera (Peru), Tortillera.

Other words of the same language:

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