hustler. Pejorative term to refer to men, usually young, exercising male prostitution, in more or less professional and continuously way. Although the DRAE defines it as “homosexual male engages in prostitution,” the Chapero may be homosexual or not, but generally boasts to be straight.
Related to the terms “Carroza” and “Portaviones” is unknown whether ones could be the source of another or vice versa, because it seems they are all slang terms that appear at the end of the 60 in Spain.
As to the etymology of Chapero, Corominas states that derived from the term Chapa (metal sheet) on which establishes several hypotheses, among which stands out its Germanic origin, with the sense of closing or closing of something. In this sense it could refer to anal sex.
Related Carroza (carriage), Portaviones (aircraft carrier), Hacer chapas (do sex for money), Chapear (do sex for money).
Variations Chapi.
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