


augmentative for Mariposa (Butterfly) used euphemistically to refer to homosexual or effeminate man. This term highlights stereotypical characteristics of gay men, such as exhibitionism, mannered, the color of clothing, as well as promiscuity or little constancy in love because they flit from flower to flower.

Curiously, the first written reference of butterfly related to male homosexuality is the 16th century, done by Pedro de León, Jesuit confessor to the prison of Seville, in the book “El apéndice de los ajusticiados” (Appendix of executed). Pedro de León compared the men who practiced sodomy with the “mariposillas” (little butterflys), that tempted by the light of the flame get too close and ended up burning, as well it happens to the sodomites, who just burned at the stake.

Variations Mariposa, mariposilla.

Other words of the same language:

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