


derived from bollera. “Mary is Bollo” or “We did a Bollo” are expressions that are used as slang for lesbian or lesbian sex respectively. Bollo is also food, usually sweet, made with dough. Learn more about the slang Bollo in the following link. See our article for the Lesbian Slang Collection to read more about this word and its controversial origin.

Close-up photograph of a white T-shirt worn by a girl with the Bollo drawing, a bun filled with cream in white, brown and orange colors.

T-shirt with the Bollo drawing. You can purchase it in our online stores. 

Variations: Bollera, Bolli, Bollitos, Bollodrama, Bollicao, Bolliliendre, Bollicaracol, Waffle (Argentina), Zampabollos.

Read more: Bollo. Lesbian Dictionary (Spain).

Other words of the same language:

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