Funny Collection
I Survived Sodom.
Divine punishment.
I Survived Sodom tells a story about 5000 years ago, in the Syphilis valley, were two cities, Sodom and Gonorrhea, known for its night men clubs and their young with plastic bags that, indoctrinated by the education for citizenship, prostituted themselves to try anal sex.
God, tired of so many rumors, sent one of his bishops, originally from Edeta, to see if what was said about these cities was true. So the bishop, at sunset, flying with his cape, reached the gates of Sodom where young boys, who were bottle, offered their sexual services. The bishop, sheepishly, walked the streets of the city until, at nightfall, night men, by hundreds, began following him with the intent to rape. In vain he found shelter in the house of Lot. The next day, back from his trip and very tired said: God, I assure you I found the hell. And so God decided to destroy the cities, and their inhabitants were turned into pillars of salt.
Papilloma 19: 24-27.
Links: Twin post of I Survived Sodom: I Love Sodom, fo Protest! Collection. News of Cadena SER on the homily of the Bishop of Alcalá de Henares in which we were inspired to carry out this parody.
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I Survived Sodom.
This is one of our designs with the more delirious story, in which we mix the history of the biblical city of Sodom with the clubs of nocturnal men by the Bishop of Alcalá de Henares, Mr. Reig Plá, a Drawing & Story for a funny t-shirt, to laugh with and super cool.
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