Lesbian Dictionary German
How to say lesbian in German
Below are the words that compose the German Lesbian Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. But first, some information about aspects of this dictionary that we think are relevant.
At first, the search for words in the German language to name dikes was an enigma. We only found the expression kesser Vater. We asked our German friends and we always got the same answer, there were no more words. How could this be? Over time, and continuing with the search, we find Dr. Jody Skinner’s work “Bezeichnungen für das Homosexuelle im Deutschen”, Die Blau Eule (1999) (Denominations for Homosexual in German), and with the help of Rocío Laguía, Mosca of the translations in Germany, Jody was so kind to give us the two volumes of his work that is our main source for the realization of this dictionary.
Rocío and María Cano helped us with the first translations and interpretations and thus we found a lot of derogative words and expressions, but also some that used up a great sense of humor, even beauty, because they arose in the LGBT community itself, who survived in the slums and marginal environments and who had the need to speak in code.
From our German Lesbian Dictionary we highlight three issues. The first is a large number of expressions that explicitly refer to lesbian sex and the second is the transformation of insults for gays turning them into insults for lesbians. In third place, we emphasize the word Tiefseeforscherin, because it seems to us a funny, beautiful and even poetic expression.
In this dictionary you will find current, old words, terms from the Rotwelsch jargon and expressions of the LGBT community. If you speak German language and you want to help us with one word, please contact us, we will send you the information to work and if you want, we will cite you as a source and you will be united to that word forever.
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The translation and adaptation into Spanish language of the German word Abbläserin could be pussy eater and it is part of a large family of expressions originated from the term “blasen” (to blow) that it is a slang for fellatio, for the matter of blowing the flute (relating the flute with the penis) and that arises in the 19th century in marginal environments.
Abbläser is a term, in which a sexual practice is used to characterize a person, used both for the man who makes a fellatio to another man and for the one who practices a cunnilingus to a woman. Abbläserin would be the feminine form used to refer to the woman who eats the pussy to another and in a broader sense to the lesbians.
Variations: Bläserin, Blasengel, and those of the jargon Rotwelsch, Blasmichlarin, Blosmichlarin, and n’Blosmichlarin.
Synonyms: Fellatrix, Cunnilinctrix.+Abwichserin
This German word has its origin in the 19th century in the verb Abwichsen which is translated into English as masturbating. From the masturbation two words are used to name the people who are dedicated to homosexual prostitution specialized in masturbation, so Abwichserin would be the female prostitute specialized in masturbating women, and that we could translate into English language as a wanker, and Abwichser would be the male prostitute specialized in masturbating men, which we could translate in the same way. As it happens on so many occasions, the terms used in prostitution end up being used to name lesbians and gays in general.
The literal translation of the German expression Adamstochter into the English language would be the daughter of Adam, just as Evasöhne would be translated as Eve’s son. With this pejorative and antiquated idiom it was wanted to emphasize the masculinity of the lesbians relating them with the first man, according to the Bible Adam, in the same way that with Evasöhne the femininity of the gays was remarked relating them with the first woman, Eve, in a time in which the only referent was the camp people, people with a gender expression that did not correspond to their sex and that worked, not without error, as a predictor of sexual orientation. This slang, therefore, was an instrument of the so-called Gender Vigilance.
Read also: Tomboy, from Lesbian Slang Collection.
Bubi is a term with many meanings, Lesbian among them, a word to which other elements are added, making new and sometimes hilarious variations. It is a slang that is also included in the German Gay Dictionary because one of the main ideas that underlie is the unfinished or incomplete masculinity. The German words Bub and Bube have the meaning of boy, teenager, kid and so many others going towards the juvenile delinquency as a rogue, rascal, and sneaky. Replacing with the letter I at the end denotes a feminization or a lack of manhood. It is a derogative and mocking expression that is used to name feminine gays and masculine lesbians.
It must also keep in mind that female prostitutes call Bubi to their customers and that it also has the meaning of a hustler, young female prostitute, penis, and woman who assumes the role of a man in intercourse. Delusions of different but related meanings.
Regarding the variations that we talked about at the beginning, we have the expression Bubigamie that jokingly refers to homosexual couples, although it can also refer to gay and lesbian sex and pederasty. Another variation is the term Bubisexuelle, defined as bisexual mostly homosexual, but also used to refer to the sexual practices of gays and lesbians. Finally, there are the funniest along with smutty, Bubifurkation slang for the butt crack of a man, and Bubifurkationskitzler, the ass eater.
vaginas masseuser.
+Kesser Vater
The literal translation into the English language of the expression Kesser Vater would be something like “the freshest father” and has its origin in a lesbian movement probably imported from the United States back in the 30s. Its first written record in German literature appears in half of the 20th century and is quite used by the German lesbian collective in the 70s, also with the acronym KV. There is no equivalent expression in English, and although it is usually translated as butch or tomboy, we prefer to translate it as Papi Chula, since it expresses better the world behind these words. Read the article in our blog for more information about this expression.
Related: Sugar Daddy (English Gay Dictionary).
Read more: Kesser Vater, Papi Chula, a post in our blog.
Currently, the German word Tiefseeforscherin is used to name people who investigate the deep seabed, and its literal translation would be something like “deep sea researcher”, oceanographer. What most people do not know when they use it is that in the early 20th century in marginal environments of prostitution and homosexuality in Germany, a slang was developed out with a matter of depth. Check our article for the Lesbian Slang Collection to read more about this word.
Read more: Tiefseeforscherin. Lesbian Dictionary (Germany).
Uranierin (also Urninde) is a German term rarely used today, but it is the predecessor of the term homosexual, in this case referring to women. Coined in 1862 by activist and writer Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, he defined Uranierin as “the soul of a man in a woman’s body,” in the same way that the analogous term for men was Urning, whose definition was “the soul of a woman in a man’s body”. It may seem silly, but it must be taken into account that, at that time, homosexuality did not exist, but just homosexual behavior that first was a sin and then a crime. These terms represented a paradigm shift since they anticipated the identity aspect of homosexuality, and from afar, the overcoming of the binary sexual model. Uranismus (uranism) was the term Ulrich used to refer to what only a few years later (1869), Karl Maria Kertbeny coined as homosexuality. Ulrichs’ idea was so successful that we find it in many other languages.
The relationship between being, come from or living on the planet Uranus, and homosexuality, arises in Plato’s work, Symposium, in which he relates it to men’s homosexual behavior; a story of gods.
Variation: Urninden.
+Warme Schwester
The English translation of the expression warme Schwester is “warm sister” and it is a little used slang to refer to lesbians that has its origin in the expression warme Bruder, whose literal translation is “warm brother” and that we could translate as “hot priest”, a derogatory expression used against homosexual men especially in the past.
As warme Schwester, other “warme” (warm) expressions also used infrequently to attack lesbians are warme Schwesternorden (Order of warm sister), warme Stute (warm mare), warme Pro (warm professional = lesbian prostitute), and warmer Ratz (warm rat) or warmer Wetsch to name a lesbian prison officer (Wetsch could be an expression of Rotwelsch related to the police). But not all “warm” expressions are derogatory since warme is also used positively inside and outside the LGBT community. As an example, the expression Warmherzig (warm heart), used as a synonym for gay and lesbian.
In addition, there is another series of expressions pertaining to the Rotwelsch jargon and to the slums of the cities that are difficult to translate and interpret as they are worme Stuatn (warm mare), warmer Chomes and warme Fladern (hot thief), warme Hebn, warme Schanettl (warm Jane), warmes Röhrl and warme Tschesa.
The relationship of warmth with lesbianism is none other than extending the insults against gays to lesbians. For this reason, we recommend you to read the entries “warme Bruder” and “warme” in our German Gay Dictionary.
+Zarter Knochen
Zarter Knochen is a German expression rarely used to refer to feminine or passive lesbians, and we could translate it into Spanish as tender bones. The origin of this expression could be the adaptation of an expression used to refer to homosexual men since the Geschlecht zarte, or tender/delicate sex, is only related to gay men. We have not found anything about who uses this expression but referring to feminine or passive lesbians could indicate its belonging to German LGBT + slang.
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