Silent is the worst option. Everyday happens. In any media of any country appears someone expressing unpleasant and unnecessary opinions on any aspect of sexual diversity. You become angry, you become indignant, you die laughing, or everything at once. Nobody would think to opine on the force of gravity, but many people there keep, hammer away at us, saying childish and prudish nonsense. This has always happened and will continue to happen. But now we live in a time when technology allows the opinion is not in the hands of a few. The phobia of sexual diversity (understood as an entity) has its argument perfectly structured and has been disseminating the message for centuries. Then, much of society assumes it as its own, as it could also take a message with common sense. And this message can be expressed anywhere and at any time. We also do it with this blog. We did the blog to give our opinion, and this section within this blog contains articles that do not fit in the other categories.Sexual Identity
Pabupop – 07/09/20 –
This article aims to clarify and distinguish the concept of Sexual Identity, an issue that we consider important at this time when sexual diversity, and especially the human one, is an incontrovertible fact. Not so long ago, there were only men and women, two simple, fixed, and exclusive categories that described and (pre) conformed reality. But now, thanks to the…. Read moreHow many people are gay? LGBT statistics.
toni – 01/05/19 –
How many people are gay? 1 in 10? The idea that one in ten people is homosexual is perhaps one of the most known and recurring “myths” about homosexuality. It has become part of our imaginary, and despite having been strongly protested by certain “conservative” groups and by the every-so-often appearance of new surveys, reports, and studies that question this…. Read moreWhat is homosexual?
toni – 08/04/13 –
Behaviors, attitudes and sexual tendencies of people have been seen and understood in many different ways depending on the culture or the time, and with that I am referring not only to sex between same sex people but everything that belongs to the sphere of human sexuality. The idea of a general and absolute rejection of any type of sexual…. Read moreHomosexuality in the 21st century
Pabupop – 28/02/13 –
Moscas de Colores is a project with several orientations. One is the explanation of homosexuality through the words that mankind has used and uses to speak of homosexual fact made in our species; because the rejection of homosexuality and human homosexuality has an origin and an explanation, whichever it may be. With an explanation things are better understood, and what…. Read more
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Human sexuality is as used as it is unknown. And what is not known cannot be understood or appreciated. In this blog, we share everything we discover to value sexual diversity. All we ask you is...
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