Gay Dictionary Welsh
How to say gay in Welsh
Below are the words of our Welsh Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken.
Welsh is a language belonging to the family of Celtic languages of the Indo-European family. It is spoken in Wales, in the United Kingdom, by about 800,000 people being official language along with English.
In Wales, together with England, homosexual behavior between men was legalized in 1967 (among women it was never penalized, although for no positive reasons), while in Scotland and Northern Ireland it was later legalized. This differentiated legislation also occurs in issues such as equal marriage that is legal throughout the United Kingdom except in Northern Ireland, or homoparental adoption in Wales and England was approved in 2005 and subsequently in the rest of the country. This legislative variability increases in territories dependent on the crown and the colonies.
We want to thank Stuart Konrad Anthony for his special contribution to the realization and improvement of this dictionary.
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The English translation of the Welsh word Ffagot is faggot, very similar, as you can see and with the same meaning.
Read also: Faggot. Gay Dictionary (USA)
The Spanish translation of the Welsh word Hoyw is gay, although it is also commonly used as a synonym for the term Queer by members of the LGBT + community.
The English translation of the Welsh acronym LHDT is LGBT and is composed of the words Lesbiaidd, Hoyw, Deurywiol, and Traws. In addition to LHDT, other expressions of the Welsh language to correctly refer to sexual diversity are:
· Rhyw: sex (biological).
· Hunaniaeth rhywedd: gender identity.
· Mynegiant rhywedd: gender expression.
· Cyfeiriadedd rhywiol: sexual orientation.
· Dyntrawsryweddol: transgender man.
· Menywdrawsryweddol: transgender woman.
· Traws: trans, transgender.
· Trawsrywiol: transsexual.
· Rhyngryw: intersexual.
· Cwiar: queer.
· Heterorywiol: heterosexual.
· Syth: straight.
· Hoyw: gay, queer.
· Lesbiaidd: lesbian.
· Deurywiol: bisexual.
· Panrywiol: pansexual.
· Anneuaidd: non-binary.
· Dod allan: coming out.See also: LGBT Glossary
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